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Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege Stage 14/20 – Wuhletalweg / Wuhle Valley Route

Stage 14 of the Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege followed the river Wuhle from the north east of Berlin towards the river Spree in Köpenick. This is the final Stage of this Grand Tour in 2021 and it was fantastic! Full of amazing views from “mountains” and autumnal colours everywhere. This long planned ride was really worth the wait.

Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege Stage 9/20 – Dahmeweg / Dahme Route

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Stage 9 of the Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege followed the river Dahme from Köpenick towards Schmöckwitz and its border with Wernsdorf in Brandenburg. I visited the historic old town and palace in Köpenick before cycling along the Dahme – easily one of my favourite parts of Berlin. Green and blue as far as the eye can see! Highly recommended.

Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege Stage 1/20 – Spreeweg/Berliner Urstromtal / Spree Trail/Berlin Glacial Valley

The start of a new Grand Tour is always exciting and this one would take me through Berlin’s numerous parks, forests and along waterways using the official Grüne Hauptwege (Green Routes). The first route followed roughly the path of the river Spree to connect the west and east borders of Berlin. This was a lovely Stage passing through the old towns of Spandau and Köpenick as well as the hustle and bustle of central Berlin.

Berliner Mühlenrundfahrt / Tour of Berlin’s Mills

A beautiful autumn day was ideal for visiting all 8 of Berlin’s mills. This was a lovely loop in the city focussing on buildings not really associated with big cities! The back stories, as well as the current uses, of these mills is also very interesting – featuring a “Murder Mill” going up in flames, World War II and people getting caught in the vanes.

Siedlungen der Berliner Moderne / Berlin Modernism Housing Estates – Part Two

This is the second in a two part series of my Tour to all six of the Siedlungen der Berliner Moderne (Berlin Modernism Housing Estates). This post looks at the Wohnstadt Carl Legien, Gartenstadt Falkenberg and the Hufeisensiedlung Britz. These three estates feature some amazingly colourful designs which really popped when I visited.

Berliner Mauerweg / Berlin Wall Path

Cycling the Berliner Mauerweg (Berlin Wall Path) has been on my To Do List for ages! I finally managed to complete the whole path in a single day and it was well worth it. Starting (and ending) in central Berlin, passing along waterways and along fields – the varied terrain and sights were fantastic. But also a reminder of how West Berlin was surrounded by a huge concrete wall and that many East Berliners risked their lives to cross that border.

Grand Tour de Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Stage 57/59 – Defensive Eating

Stage 57 of the Grand Tour de Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel was a lesson in insulin sensitivity. I had to constantly eat to keep my blood glucose in a safe range! Thankfully wearing a CGM helped prevent any dangerous lows. Aside from ever present blood glucose issues, I explored some lovely urban and green areas within Berlin while ticking off another five bus and one tram route.