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Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege Stage 16/20 – Humboldt Spur / Humboldt Trail

Stage 16 of the Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege took me through some lovely northern districts of Berlin. This route was inspired by the wanderings of the Humboldt brothers (Alexander and Wilhelm). I was lucky enough to cycle this route when the first blossoms were at their peak. I also managed to enjoy some sheep, cows, boar and deer along the way too.

Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege Stage 13/20 – Barnimer Dörferweg / Barnim Villages Route

A sunny but chilly autumn day was a great chance to cycle through the Barnim Villages for Stage 13 of the Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege. I cycled from the Tegeler See towards the east of Berlin through some amazing landscapes – many of which are nature reserves too. Despite some blood glucose troubles at the end, this was an amazing ride and I really loved the autumn colours just popping everywhere.

Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege Stage 6/20 – Lindenberger Korridor / Lindenberg Corridor

Stage 6 of the Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege was a nice tour through some of the central parts of the former East Berlin. It was a mixture of green paths, Plattenbau apartment blocks and some stunning green areas developed on former industrial grounds. My blood glucose was pretty high during the days before this Stage so it was quite a physical struggle – but at least I got to see plenty of sheep.