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Grand Tour de Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Stage 3/59 – the Cuddly Cat

Strava Activity
Distance in km80.0
Elevation in m183
Amount of newly ridden kms in Berlin from wandrer.earth36.9
Blood glucose values throughout Stage 3 of the Grand Tour de Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

A window of opportunity opened this morning for Stage 3, since our brunch plans weren’t happening and it was kind of sunny in November. I decided to reduce my bolus insulin for breakfast just a little as I was very much on the diabetes rollercoaster the past 48 hours – at least 3 times over 300mg/dL! This turned out to be a wise choice.

I decided to do one of the medium distance stages with about 75 km of cycling. The route took me up towards Reinickendorf and then shuttling between Tegelort and Lübars. The first bus route, number 320, was a short circular route through an industrial area. The highlight being the lovely chocolate smells from a chocolate factory in the area.

A geometrically enclosed football outside the Berliner Seilfabrik

Next up was the 322 bus route going between Paracelsus-Bad and Titiseestraße in Waidmannslust. A fairly standard route covered with adequate bicycle paths that pass through this mainly residential area. It’s quite a mix between some high residential blocks and houses.

Graffiti at Titiseestraße

I cycled from Titseestraße to Tegelort along the Tegeler See which was pretty nice. There were a few other cyclists and families out for a walk in this area. After the Schwarzer Weg through the Tegeler Forst, the sleepy Tegelort is a mixture of well-paved roads for the buses and some horrible cobbled roads everywhere else. It’s quite a shock going from a lush forest path to huge uneven cobbles.

I then followed the N22 bus route from Tegelort towards Alt-Lübars. This night bus covers most of the 222 bus route and the other bus routes that service the Heiligensee area. The Konradshöhe and Heiligensee roads pass by some nice houses next to the Havel and the dense Tegeler Forst. The residential road between Waidmannslust and Lübars lacks a cycle path, but it was pretty easy going until the next section of huge cobbles on Alt-Lübars.

While loading the final bus route of the Stage, bus route 222, on to my Wahoo there was an extremely friendly cat who did all it could to claim me and my bike. It even jumped up on the handlebars! It couldn’t get on the top tube though so sadly our ways had to part. 

Friendly cat on my handlebars!

The 222 route followed most of the N22 route in the opposite direction towards Tegelort except for the passing on Konradshöhe Straße. This was a beautifully paved road that I must go back on with my road bike.

That was the end of the bus routes for Stage 3, I took the ferry towards Hakenfelde and made my way back home along the great cycle paths next to the Berlin-Spandauer Schifffahrtskanal.

The % distance I cycled in each district during Stage 3 of the Grand Tour de Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

2 thoughts on “Grand Tour de Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Stage 3/59 – the Cuddly Cat”

  1. Pingback: Grand Tour de Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Stage 14/59 – Flying Goats – Pi-Cycles

  2. Pingback: Grand Tour de Grüne Hauptwege Stage 4/20 – Lübarser Weg / Lübars Route – Pi-Cycles

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